I'm a genius at Math
That's about as clear as I can put it. No, you wont hear it put any better. Better would mean I would be a liar. Nathan just interrupted with a statement on something interesting but upon inquirment he told me simply "end of story." Quite obviously he is tuckered out. Whoops, I almost put a ">" where there should be a "." earlier. Now my knees hurt. I've changed postitions folks, dont worry. but now my shoulders are tired. and i'll stop capitalizing my sentences. dont worry. jack probably thinks i'm stupid. babies arent stupid. i'm not a baby you moron! i'm not smarter than you think, retard.
now that that's shut you up, comment on this:
Hemingway's latest poem discouraged me (T/F)
Have you answered correctly?(Yes? go to message three.) (No? go to message four.)
3. This is message 3. Hemingway has lost my following. i've become somewhat disinterested with his poems. i'll read Hemingway less than before.
4. This is message 4. I am a huge Hemingway fan. I could never carry on without Hemingway.l He is what I like to read.
This question concerns the following: This blog publisher is interested in your answers? (Y/N)
Have you answered correctly? (Yes? go to comment one) (No? go to comment two)
1. This is comment 1. I find the things you say most entertaining and pursuading. I really would like it if you talked more.
2. This is comment 2. You have no sense in the meanings of your sentences. You must cease telling me things, or I will become angered.
Which is it?
If you understand what I mean go to enlightenment #7
If you do not understand what I mean go to enlightenment #8
Enlightenment #7:
You have overcome all sense of fear. You will never forget your childhood foolishness.
Enlightenment #8:
Death has spared you in favor of torture.
Read on...
Whether or not you neatly fall into the category of Enlightenment #7 or Enlightenment #8, you will not read on...
now that that's shut you up, comment on this:
Hemingway's latest poem discouraged me (T/F)
Have you answered correctly?(Yes? go to message three.) (No? go to message four.)
3. This is message 3. Hemingway has lost my following. i've become somewhat disinterested with his poems. i'll read Hemingway less than before.
4. This is message 4. I am a huge Hemingway fan. I could never carry on without Hemingway.l He is what I like to read.
This question concerns the following: This blog publisher is interested in your answers? (Y/N)
Have you answered correctly? (Yes? go to comment one) (No? go to comment two)
1. This is comment 1. I find the things you say most entertaining and pursuading. I really would like it if you talked more.
2. This is comment 2. You have no sense in the meanings of your sentences. You must cease telling me things, or I will become angered.
Which is it?
If you understand what I mean go to enlightenment #7
If you do not understand what I mean go to enlightenment #8
Enlightenment #7:
You have overcome all sense of fear. You will never forget your childhood foolishness.
Enlightenment #8:
Death has spared you in favor of torture.
Read on...
Whether or not you neatly fall into the category of Enlightenment #7 or Enlightenment #8, you will not read on...
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 12:22 PM,
ClickNathan said…
you really should restate the obvious more. it goes well with your eyes.
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